Why Bacteria From Your Toilet Could Be Making Your Family Sick (And How To Stop It)
I hate to admit what happened to me because it’s disgusting, but I want to share my story because I know others have the same issue. My kids were always getting sick and I thought it was out of my control. I thought it was because kids are germ sponges but then I started to do research and realized the air in my house was the issue even though I thought I cleaned the house thoroughly…
Something In Our House Was Making Us All Sick
We had recently moved to a new house (my husband got a job across the country). Days after moving in, my kids and I started to get sick a lot. We thought it was allergies from being in a new area with pollen we weren’t used to.
But it was like no allergies we ever experience in our old home. The sore throat and sneezing were 10x worse and we even started to get migraines. I thought it was due to the stress of moving, but then something odd happened.
My husband invited some of his new co-workers over so the kids could all meet. We all had a great time but the next day my husband called me from his office.
“Honey, there must be something wrong with our house. A few of the kids who were over are sick today with the same thing our kids have.”
The House Seemed Clean But Clearly It Still Wasn’t
I now knew this couldn’t be allergies causing these symptoms. I was totally embarrassed that my house was causing everyone to get sick.
So I ran to the store and got every cleaning item possible. I spent the next 8 hours scrubbing my entire house floor to ceiling. I was exhausted and finally laid down thinking the problem was fixed.
But over the next few days, I noticed nothing had changed, everyone was still feeling sick.
I did the only thing left there was to do, I found a doctor and took my kids to them.
Our Toilets Were The Culprit!
Our went through the normal routine...he checked my kids’ throats, under their tongues, in their eyes, etc...then he asked me a question that took me by surprise…
He wanted to know if our toilets flushed properly. I just looked at him like he was talking a different language and said. He then started to tell me about how they are seeing more evidence that toilets are being linked to sicknesses and allergies.
That’s when he brought up something called Toliet Plumes, which is what’s making so many people sick.
What Is A Toilet Plume And How Does It Make My Family Sick?
A toilet plume is spreading of microscopic particles from the power of a flushing toilet. Aerosol droplets will shoot up and mix with the air in the room and make its way onto every surface.
This invisible mix of water particles has fecal/urine matter on them which then floats until it lands somewhere. This means it lands on your clothes, face, and things like your toothbrush.
This is why restaurants have laws on where bathrooms need to be, so they aren’t close to the kitchen or dining room.
The size of the plume can also vary between toilet models. Many ones in homes have enough flushing power to shoot these particles, bacteria, and viruses almost 20 feet.
Think about how many things are within 20 feet of all your toilets, I am willing to bet your toothbrushes are.
It started to make sense, this is what was making me family sick and I felt terrible as a mom.
Once we got home, I started to do more research about toilet plumes. I thought if we just kept the seat down this would stop them. This is not the case. When you flush the toilet, the plume shoots out and still gets all over since the seat down doesn’t create an airtight seal.
I saw evidence that a less strong flushing toilet will help stop plumes, but this means replacing every toilet in my house. This was something we could never afford. Even if we did, these types of slow flushing toilets are known to clog ALL the time.
There Is A Surprisingly Easily Way To Fix This Problem
I was talking to a friend who said they had the same issue with her kids being sick all the time (it took her over a year to finally pinpoint it). She told me about a product called AirJoi Charcoal bags.
They are bacteria and odor magnets which are made from bamboo charcoal. They suck up bacteria and mold like a sponge. And they do an amazing job of destroying gross odors.
They also last up to two years each. You just have to “reset” them every few months by placing them in sunlight for a little.
Was This The Miracle I’ve Been Looking For?
I couldn’t have thanked my friend more for helping me out with my problem. However, once I hung up with her, I decided to do more research about AirJoi. The reviews users left about it online sealed the deal for me. There were endless numbers of 5-star reviews.
Since they offer a customer satisfaction guarantee, this meant I had nothing to lose by trying.
I ordered a few and they arrived a few days later. I immediately placed them in each bathroom we had and left them overnight before checking on them.
The next day, I checked each bathroom and was amazed that all the typical bathroom smells were gone.
But more importantly, just days later, I noticed my kids and I were getting better. No more sneezing, sore throats, or headaches.
I Beg Other Mom’s To Listen To My Story
I was hesitant to share my gross story because of how embarrassed I was, but I decided to put my ego aside. Everyone has a toilet in their house, which means everyone could be suffering from the same thing my family was.
It was pretty clear the AirJoi works better than I expected. Not only do they work well, but they take zero effort. Unlike cleaning with harsh chemicals on a daily basis. Or use of a product like Febreze which only masks odors for a short time by spraying toxins into the air. AirJoi is one of the only products that I go out of my way to recommend to family, friends, and even strangers.
*UPDATE: Tuesday, December 10, 2024* Since going viral online, AirJoi has sold to customers in all 50 states. To celebrate this milestone, they are offering a limited time discount of 50% off for anyone. They are so confident you will be happy, they have a customer satisfaction guarantee.